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Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

Firm Analyst Contact
UBS Alex Ye
Citi Michael Zhang
Goldman Sachs Gurpreet Singh Sahi
Bank of America Brooksley Kang
Macquarie Dexter Hsu
Morgan Stanley Peggy Shih
JP Morgan Jemmy Huang
Daiwa Leon Qi
Yuanta Eileen Chen
KGI Securities Eric Shih
President Capital Management Tina Chen

To the best of our knowledge, the analysts listed above cover E.SUN FHC. The list may not complete and may change from time to time. We will update the list periodically, but undertake not obligation to do so. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of E.SUN FHC or its management. The list above does not imply endorsement or concurrence with such information, conclusion or recommendations.