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Stakeholder Engagement

E.SUN understands issues that stakeholders are concerned about through diverse communication channels, and formulates management policies and implementation plans on this basis, in order to respond to stakeholders' needs and expectations. The Office of Sustainability has reported to the Board of Directors on the results of stakeholder identification and communication, which have been compiled and summarized.


  • Suppliers include contractors and suppliers.
  • Communities include neighborhoods around the branches and partners in charity work and environmental causes.
  • Media includes credit rating institutions and initiative organizations.


Meeting objectives

Talent and innovation are the most important keys to the core competitiveness of an enterprise structure. Continuous and good communication helps to improve employee motivation and company recognition.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Daily: Morning meetings
  • Weekly, Monthly: Video conferences, work week reports, legal compliance announcements
  • Quarterly: Labor-management meeting, Occupational Safety Committee
  • Annually: Employee opinion exchange questionnaires
  • Annually: Knowledge sharing seminars
  • Irregularly: e-HR E.SUN Human Park platform, e-learning+ digital learning platform, various opinion response mailboxes, such as the Learning Sister mailbox, HR Manager mailbox, etc.
  • Irregularly: Two-way communication, EIP website
  • Irregularly: Professional training courses and development classes
  • Contact:
    • Human Resources Department E-Mail: hrd@esunbank.com.tw
    • Hotline: (02) 2175-1313 #8701

Communication Performance

  • 5 Employee Communication Meetings
  • 29 CHRO mailbox
  • 310 Employee Opinion
  • Communication Cases Handled
  • 7,556 Employee Opinion
  • Exchange Questionnaires

Focus Issues

  • Talent Cultivation and Development
  • Talent Attraction and Retention
  • Employee Care and Friendly Working Environment

Focus Content

  • Opportunities for rotational cultivation and development
  • Performance management and compensation reward system
  • Diverse communication channels to encourage employee voice

E.SUN's Response

  • Talent is the key driving force for sustainable development in businesses. E.SUN has a well-established development and cultivation system, where employees can proactively apply for rotational assignments through internal recruitment mechanisms, cultivating diverse career paths and learning opportunities.
  • The overall rewards and performance evaluation system of E.SUN is based on the overall profitability of the company, external market benchmarks, comprehensive performance, and individual performance. E.SUN will continue to enhance its compensation system and expand the distribution of variable bonuses.
  • Setting up a diverse range of communication channels such as a CHRO mailbox, an employee feedback section, and anonymous surveys, E.SUN creates a psychologically safe environment that allows employees to feel at ease, confident, and assured.


Meeting objectives

Understand market trends and motivations, improve personal service, create tangible and intangible value for customers, and continuously strengthen E.SUN's competitiveness.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Daily: E.SUN e-customer service (24-hour customer service hotline, intelligent text customer service, online telephone, website visitor message board), customer opinion complaint hotline and customer opinion QR code
  • Weekly: Customer satisfaction survey, Line official account, Facebook E.SUN Lucky Cat fan group, E.SUN digital life, health fan group
  • Every 2 months: Smile E.SUN bimonthly magazine
  • Quarterly: Sunrise E.SUN quarterly magazine
  • Twice a year: Corporate customer satisfaction survey
  • Irregular: Personal visits, telephone contact
  • Contact: E.SUN customer service center 24-hour service hotline (02)2182-1313 / 0800-30- 1313

Communication Performance

  • 2,161 customer service center customer suggestions
  • 135,073 official website visitor message board messages
  • 80,530 customer satisfaction survey questionnaire
  • 7,230 customer opinion QR codes
  • A total of 715 corporate customer satisfaction questionnaires were issued

Focus Issues

  • Customer experience and fair treatment
  • Financial technology and innovation
  • Inclusive finance
  • Information Security and Personal Data Protection
  • Green finance

Focus Content

  • Employee service quality, professionalism, and efficiency
  • Completeness and user friendliness of online banking/mobile banking functionalities
  • Provision of customer centric services for financially friendly demographics
  • Transaction security and fraud prevention
  • Sustainable development trends, corporate response directions, and sustainable financial services.

E.SUN's Response

  • Continuously enhance service quality through the Customer Service Management System and combine internal and external education and training programs to develop the professional capabilities of employees.
  • Establish a Customer Journey Office across departments and utilize customer feedback to plan diverse online banking/mobile banking functionalities, leveraging financial technology to provide convenient digital services.
  • Provide financially friendly services through physical and digital channels, such as planning ATMs in remote areas and ensuring accessibility in branches. Additionally, optimize the browsing experience on digital platforms and expand the application scenarios for video services.
  • Establish an anti-fraud task force across departments, including anti-fraud education and training for employees, planning abnormal transaction monitoring models, establishing three-way calls with the Police Administration, and implementing immediate anti-fraud platforms to prevent customers from falling victim to scams.
  • Engage in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) exchanges with corporate clients through internal dedicated teams, provide sustainability recommendations such as net-zero transformation, and plan suitable sustainable financial transactions based on customer needs.

shareholders and investors

Meeting objectives

Assist in understanding E.SUN's performance and strategic direction, strengthen their confidence in E.SUN, and be willing to support.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Monthly: Announce operating performance
  • Monthly: Open information observation station
  • Quarterly: Chinese and English legal person briefings, quarterly financial reports
  • Quarterly: Board of Directors, functional committees
  • Annually: Shareholders' meeting
  • Annually: Annual report, sustainability report
  • Irregularly: visits and teleconferences, announce credit ratings and outlooks
  • Irregularly: Domestic and foreign roadshows, domestic and foreign investment institutions research meetings, investment forums, material information announcements
  • Contact: Investor Relations
  • E-Mail: ir@esunbank.com

Communication Performance

  • Chinese and English legal briefings: 7 sessions
  • Participation in investment forums or roadshows: 5 sessions
  • Investor and analyst meetings: 120 sessions

Focus Issues

  • Corporate governance
  • Risk management
  • Green finance

Focus Content

  • Board reelection and the shaping of bank corporate culture, fostering and building employee cohesion.
  • Interest rates of monetary policy in major markets, market, and credit risk management, and strategies for emerging risks.
  • Net zero transformation and net zero policy formulated

E.SUN's Response

  • Implement the visions, the three pillars of long-term development, and management principles of E.SUN.
  • Expose the management framework of various risk issues and report regularly to the board of directors.
  • Actively follow international ESG sustainability standards and practices, engaging in ESG evaluation and enhance customer engagement through financial products, services.


Meeting objectives

Understand the latest trends and dynamics of regulatory supervision, support government policies and Taiwan's sustainable development.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Annual: Government agency evaluation
  • Irregular: Policy research meetings, seminars, public hearings
  • Irregular: Official documents, meetings, phone calls, emails, and public information
  • Irregular: Financial inspections, special project meetings

Communication Performance

  • Respond promptly to inquiries from supervisory authorities
  • Proactively participate in relevant meetings and courses

Focus Issues

  • Inclusive finance
  • Aging population and declining birth rates response
  • Customer experience and fair treatment
  • Climate change response
  • Green finance

Focus Content

  • Develop microinsurance as a force for social stability
  • Promote financial-friendly practices and financial inclusion, and enhance public awareness on fraud prevention to safeguard property security
  • Actively respond to global sustainable development initiatives and national net-zero emission targets.

E.SUN's Response

  • E.SUN, in collaboration with Nan Shan Life Insurance, Tainan City Government, China Life Insurance, and Hualien County Government, has jointly promoted microinsurance to provide basic insurance coverage to economically disadvantaged individuals and specific groups. Through this effort, E.SUN has provided services to over 10,000 economically vulnerable people.
  • Build financial-friendly demonstration branches and utilize technology to reduce the digital gap, actively practice financial inclusion.
  • E.SUN's comprehensive anti-fraud efforts include signing an MOU with the National Police Agency, pioneering a three-way call and an instant anti-fraud platform, establishing an internal anti-fraud team, and utilizing financial technology to develop anti-fraud models. These initiatives are actively implemented to prevent fraud.
  • Cultivate 155 "Certified Professional in Sustainable Finance" and establish the E.SUN sustainability team, comprising dedicated ESG personnel responsible for implementing sustainable development initiatives within the organization.


Meeting objectives

Strengthen E.SUN's communication with the public through media channels, gather the latest topics and trends in society and internationally.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Immediately: A dedicated public relations unit is responsible for handling media communications for E.SUN FHC and its subsidiaries, ensuring prompt responses to media inquiries.
  • Semi-annual: hold a press conference on operational performance, open interviews and questions from reporters.
  • Irregular: media interviews, press conferences, and crisis event explanation
  • Irregular: press release, statement, and earnings announcement
  • Irregular: Financial Holding Company's official website news release
  • Contact: Public Relations department
    • E-MAIL: pr@esunfhc.com
    • Tel: (02)2175-1313#1335,8190

Communication Performance

  • The PR unit real-time responses to reporters reached 4,945 people
  • Held 2 operational performance press conferences
  • Held 43 media interviews and press conference
  • Issued 122 press releases
  • Released 122 press releases on website

Focus Issues

  • Honest management
  • Risk management
  • Financial technology and innovation

Focus Content

  • Grasp domestic and international political and economic situations, develop operational strategies to generate comprehensive performance
  • Drive innovation and application of financial technology under the AI-generated era

E.SUN's Response

  • E.SUN upholds the core values of integrity, honesty, professionalism, and responsibility, and committed to this land with an unwavering promise, striving to become the best-performing and most respected enterprise.
  • By 2023, E.SUN has established 31 overseas branches in 10 countries. Currently, focus on the Asia-Pacific financial centers, cross-strait areas, and ASEAN region. In the next phase, plan to expand into Southeast Asia, and aim to North America and Europe in the future.
  • E.SUN FHC board of directors has established a "Technology Advisory Committee" as a pioneer in the Taiwanese financial industry. Chaired by Chairman Joseph N.C. Huang, the committee has invited external experts from the four major domains: artificial intelligence, digital enablement, e-commerce, and information security.

(public welfare, environmental protection, and industry academic cooperation)

Meeting objectives

Join hands with various sectors to create a shared, harmonious new living circle, making Taiwan a better place.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Weekly: Close community environmental cleaning, local financial community service
  • Annually: Organize public welfare activities, support art exhibitions, music performances, sports events, academic education, ecological conservation, etc.
  • Irregularly: Cross-industry cooperation and visits, art lectures
  • Contact:
    • E.SUN Volunteer Foundation
      • hotline: (02)2175-1313#9300
      • E-Mail: Volunteer@esunbank.com
    • E.SUN Cultural and Educational Foundation
      • hotline: (02)2175-1313#9305
      • E-Mail:Esunfoundation@esunbank.Com

Communication Performance

  • 184,043 beneficiaries
  • Over 938 cooperative public welfare activity units

Focus Issues

  • Honest management
  • Social Welfare
  • Humanities and Arts
  • Academic Education

Focus Content

  • Public welfare activities resource investment
  • Environmental protection issues
  • Sustainable finance practices
  • Children's reading, rural English education, and American education

E.SUN's Response

  • Energy-saving and carbon reduction: Actively respond to summer solstice light-off activities, Earth Hour, Beautiful Taiwan Smile E.SUN, beach and mountain cleaning activities.
  • Public welfare activities: Charity sales, blood donation activities, overseas medical services, medical equipment donations.
  • Organizing domestic and international art exhibitions and performances, supporting sports events, cultivating outstanding talents through scholarship programs, E.SUN Academic Awards.
  • Organizing financial management lectures, promoting E.SUN Library storytelling, anti-drug advocacy tours, and rural English education.


Meeting objectives

Suppliers are partners in E.SUN's sustainable development and growth. Through procurement actions, suppliers are influenced to implement responsible consumption and production practices. We strive to achieve energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and cost reduction, while delivering the concept of sustainable business operations.

Communication frequency/mode

  • Weekly: Pricing meetings
  • Bi-monthly: E-mails
  • Irregular: Website public information, supplier visits, supplier conferences

Communication Performance

  • Over 558 pricing meetings
  • Bi-monthly: 138 supplier self assessment exchanges
  • Irregular: 15 supplier visits, supplier conference to share carbon management trend and social innovation platform mechanism

Focus Issues

  • Sustainable operation environment
  • Talent cultivation and development
  • Employee care and friendly working environment
  • Customer experience and fair treatment

Focus Content

  • Implement environmentally friendly practices
  • Foster employees' career development
  • Listen to employees' voices
  • Improve service quality to meet customer expectations

E.SUN's Response

  • Respond to green procurement policies by promoting the preferential use of environmentally-friendly products or services in our procurement processes.
  • Talent is a leading and crucial indicator. E.SUN encourages our supplier partners to prioritize the development of their employees and value their voices.
  • Customer experience is a crucial component of the value chain, and E.SUN appreciates suppliers who invest resources in enhancing service processes, and aims for our collaboration to create a synergistic effect where 1+1 is greater than 2.