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Human Rights Protection

E.SUN aims to create a diverse, equal, inclusive, and belonging workplace environment. E.SUN holds meetings periodically and has formulated E.SUN human rights policies with due reference to laws and regulations and human rights development trends. Every year, the team reviews “E.SUN Declaration of Human Rights” and “E.SUN FHC Human Rights Due Diligence Investigation Procedures”, and works with all partners to strengthen and improve the management of issues related to human rights.

E.SUN is selected in the list for the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2023, demonstrating the considerable progress we have taken in advancing gender equality. This acknowledgment reflects our commitment to aspects such as female leadership, equal remuneration, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies, and a pro-women brand. Aligning with the SDG5, E.SUN aims to achieve gender equality and empower women, and proactively pursues initiatives to support these objectives. E.SUN has demonstrated our commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. E.SUN embodies our vision to become a leading global corporate citizen by safeguarding labor rights and nurturing a workplace that promotes employee happiness and well-being.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process

E.SUN formulates the human rights due diligence process, and regularly identifies, assesses, and evaluates potential human rights issues and risks in our operations, value chains, new business activities (such as mergers, joint ventures), and other related activities through social engagement, data monitoring, and surveys. We also establish risk matrix for human rights issues and control plans based on potential risks, following by continuous supervision and improvement of the implementation results to fulfill the human rights policy.


Impact identification

E.SUN strictly scrutinizes potential human rights risks in various aspects and implements our commitment and responsibility for human rights with relevant units following specific guidelines. For employees, we ensure that human resources policies do not jeopardize labor rights; for suppliers or partners, we evaluate the sustainable development and human rights issues through public information and self-assessment forms to avoid dealing with high-risk parties; for customers; we enhance the protection of rights and personal privacy, and carefully selects credit or investment targets. The impact identification is as follows:

E.SUN Value chain New business relations
(mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures)
Supplier/Partner Customer
Groups exposed to human rights risks Employee, Women, Indigenous people, People with disabilities, Dispatched labor, Migrant workers, Non-employee workers Women, Children, Indigenous People, People with disabilities, Dispatched labor, Migrant workers, Non-employee workers Customers in minority groups Women, Children, Indigenous People, People with disabilities, Dispatched labor, Migrant workers, Non-employee workers
Potential human rights risks
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Gender equality
  • Forced labor
  • Occupational safety
  • Workplace violence
  • Privacy
  • The right to collective bargaining
  • Human trafficking
  • Equal remuneration
  • Discrimination
  • Forced labor
  • Gender equality
  • Occupational safety
  • Child labor
  • Freedom of association
  • Right to collective bargaining
  • Human trafficking
  • Equal remuneration
  • Discrimination
  • Service quality and Customer right
  • Personal information protection
  • Human rights practices of corporate customers
  • Forced labor
  • Gender equality
  • Occupational safety
  • Child labor
  • Freedom of association
  • The right to collective bargaining
  • Human trafficking
  • Equal remuneration
  • Discrimination

Note: Non-employee workers are those other than E.SUN's employees, including interns, temporary workers, and contractors' employees, providing services such as information, security, and cleaning.

Human rights risk matrix

In response to potential human rights risks for employees, suppliers and customers (including investment and credit subjects), E.SUN established a human rights risk matrix as follows.