




E.SUN FHC and Mackay Memorial
Hospital collaborate in providing
volunteer medical service in Cambodia




E.SUN FHC collaborated with Mackay Memorial Hospital and Formosa Budding Hope Foundation for the fourth time in organizing the "Caring for Cambodia - Joint Overseas Medical Service" in September 2019...              

E.SUN FHC collaborated with Mackay Memorial Hospital and Formosa Budding Hope Foundation for the fourth time in organizing the "Caring for Cambodia - Joint Overseas Medical Service" in September 2019. Mackay Memorial Hospital formed a team of medical experts and Union Commercial Bank PLC. (UCB) formed a team of translators to provide the full range of health examination services, including pediatrics, family medicine, emergency medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology; outpatient services were provided to 2,265 people in four days. Volunteers of the Bank and foundation delivered 7,000 kg of rice and 700 mosquito nets to impoverished families in rural areas, providing actual aid to keep families in rural areas of Cambodia from starving.

E.SUN FHC, Mackay Memorial Hospital, and Formosa Budding Hope Foundation began providing medical services in rural areas of Cambodia and Myanmar in 2016, and have benefited 10,000 residents and children over the past 4 years. Mackay Memorial Hospital provides its medical expertise, Formosa Budding Hope Foundation assists in local planning, and UCB employees serve as interpreters, each contributing its expertise for rural residents to enjoy better medical services. Hsu Yung-Wei, Director of the Mackay Memorial Hospital International Medical Service Center, said: "We selected a remote mountain area and elementary school in Angkor Thom District, Siem Reap Province to provide medical services this year. Days of heavy rain made the trip to the rural area even more difficult, and they even had to travel by foot to reach the village. Due to the high temperature and humidity and lack of resources, the doctors and volunteers were all exhausted, but the smiles on the villagers' faces from relief and satisfaction after receiving medical services gave them energy to go on." An employee of UCB happily shared: "It is an honor to become a member of Taiwan's medical team. It gives the ability to give back to my hometown and is truly meaningful!” While providing volunteer medical services, they found two boys, one 7 years old and one 11 years old and arranged for them to receive heart surgery in Taiwan. After regaining health, they are able to live a normal life like normal children.

Joseph N.C. Huang, President of E.SUN FHC, said that the long-term partnership with Mackay Memorial Hospital and Formosa Budding Hope Foundation in providing volunteer medical services in Myanmar and Cambodia is based on the philosophy that love has no borders and long-term care. They strive to care for the health of residents in rural areas to show the love and warmth of Taiwanese people. In the future, E.SUN will continue to organize volunteer events, such as overseas volunteer medical services or building houses in communities, through international volunteer training, local employee participation, and the collective abilities of professional institutions and non-profit organizations. E.SUN will uphold the spirit that one simple act of love can inspire others to love, and jointly create a better society together with different sectors.